Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Schools out for summer!

So I disappeared for a few months there. That was a trip. Anyway, short form of what happened from like, March to now is that I was hired on at a behaviorial reassignment school (read: school for students who have done something to get themselves removed from traditional schools. Not even going to go into what those things generally are).

It was a great experience with a bunch of (mostly) wonderful students. Who I hope to never see ever again (not in a bad way, mind you, because if I see them again, that means they did something to get assigned to that school. Again).

So what's on the agenda for summer? Not a whole heckuva lot at this point. Chicago Comic-Con is just around the corner, so Kelly and I are hunting for hotels for that. There is one wedding I am attending (my friend from UWM is getting married. Should be exciting!). And I'm still working at the OD because I didn't get picked up for any summer school jobs (we'll see how long I last at OD, because, well, the new ISCE program sucks (for some reason, corporate feels confident in pronouncing it 'ice,' like there is no 'S' in there)).

I have a huge backlog of games that I picked up during the summer, and there are tons of new releases in the coming months. Don't know how I'm going to get through them all, but hey, I'll do my darnedest to do it.

Still plugging away at editing book two of Project Zero and A Plague Upon Thee, which died down to maybe editing a page here or there during the school year. Editing is my bane when it comes to writing. I always get super-excited over new ideas, characters, stories, etc., but when it comes time to go over my work with a fine-tooth comb, I want to curl up in the fetal position and wish my grammatical errors and lack of sensory details away.

The third book in the Project Zero series is still almost done. Like, for real. If I sat down and wrote solidly for an hour, it'd be done. I'm that close to finishing it. I could do it right now, If I wanted. Yep, all it'd take is just to open the notebook, pick up a pen, and scribble down some words to finish up the book. Maybe instead of writing a blog entry that is quickly dovetailing into stream-of-conscious rambling...

I suppose one could look at it that this is just a warm up for doing some actual writing. I mean, it's kind of working. I do feel like writing actual stuff some more.

Oh, I picked up Lego Batman 2 yesterday. It's ok. Not nearly as exciting as I'd hoped. I mean, I know it's a Lego game, but the reviews made it seem like it was going to be different. Also, for a game carrying the subtitle 'DC Super Heroes,' it really does lack in other DC Super Heroes. I've played through the first three missions or so, and the only other hero has been Superman, who only popped in to say 'hi.' I want to make a Green Lantern Batman. Or Superman. Or Flash. A GL anything, really.

I ran out of things to say that don't sound like cynical rantings of a mad man. So, I'll be back later with a new post. Probably about how I'm going to promise those two books will be out by the end of summer. Or year.

Or maybe it'll be on my thoughts and feelings on Asus' Transformer Prime tablet computing device.

Until next time, stay classy interwebs. Stay classy.

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