While I plug away on my "To-Do List," I figured I'd take a break to do some writing, including doing some mini-reviews for summer stuff (movies, games, mostly movies, as I haven't gotten a new-release game in awhile...)
Man of Steel - Great movie. Quite probably the greatest Superman movie ever made. Henry Cavill surprised as both Superman and Clark Kent (even if filmmakers still insist that an actor looks younger because their hair is mussed up). Not sure I agree with what happened to Pa Kent, but I was OK with what happened to Zod (read a comic before you complain). The film had some humorous moments (my favorite were in the part after Superman destroyed the very expensive spy satellite) and I didn't feel like it was too dark (when they said they were going to 'Dark Knight' Supes, I thought 'Oh no..."). Jor El's speech about how humanity will look to Superman as a god and a role model and that he is the symbol of hope for the human race summed up how I've felt about the boyscout. He is a symbol of hope and the movie translated that nicely.
That said, I am concerned that the plan is to introduce the new Batman in Man of Steel 2 (and no, the studio did not offer Bale 50 million to reprise his role as Bats, that was just an off-the-cuff remark about how Bale could get that much and the studio wouldn't blink an eye at it). I think Superman (and Snyder) deserves at least one more solo film before a team-up film (I know, WB and DCE are pushing for a Justice League film and want to get that ball rolling. That's also why it's being rumored that the Arrow series (and potential Flash spin-off) is set in the same universe as MoS.
The Wolverine - A step up from 2009's awful X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The first two-thirds or so was the Wolverine movie everyone was waiting for. Then the final act came, and there was a giant robot samurai and some things happened to Wolvie that kind of messed up the character (and didn't really make all that much sense, considering they had a suit of Adamantium to work with and obviously had a way to heat and mold the metal). As with most of the Marvel films, sit through the credits (seriously, there are people who haven't seen The Last Stand's after the credit scene and, therefore, didn't know that Xavier is alive. That's not a spoiler. If you didn't know that by now, then, well, I can't really help ya there...). Hugh Jackman is as good as he's ever been as Wolverine and the story is pretty decent. Well, except for the bits with Famke Jansen. I never really bought into the Wolverine loves Jean Grey story from the movies (it was never really a thing in the comics until the Animated Series in the early 90's) and here it just gets...I don't know, weird. Creepy. Obsessive.
I saw World War Z and Monster's University, too. They were both better than expected. Despite knowing how MU was going to turn out, the journey still had enough twists and turns that made watching the movie enjoyable. WWZ was good, not great, but I hear it could've been worse. Kinda glad they dropped the whole "Brad Pitt has to fight his way through Russia to get back to his wife, who is in a semi-consensual relationship with Matthew Fox...", but I am interested in seeing the Russia battle itself. While it's been said that World War Z has nothing in common with the book, I could totally see how that movie evolved from the book.
Watched through Hemlock Grove. That...was...something. Not something good, mind you, but it is something that exists. I haven't read the book it was based on, but the show sucked. Hard. Like, I can't believe it is a real thing level of suck. The acting is terrible on a level that goes beyond Soap Operas. The writing isn't any better. But, the show is such a train wreck that it's hard to look away. Not that looking away matters, as the plot is so non-sensical that watching the show doesn't really help.
No matter what happens job-wise, it's my last full week of summer vacation which, if you recall, started August 1st. I lost my train of thought again, so, yeah. Enough for tonight.
I am seriously thinking about trying to find an agent or publisher again, but I'll probably rethink that by tomorrow.