Yesterday, I mentioned that I was prepping an Amazon version of my first book, Project Zero: Bulletproof. The plan is to release it in chunks, with each chunk getting a work over and unique covers for each section before I post it. There's a couple of concerns/complications/whatever there:
First, even with new edits, would anyone even want to buy a book that's been available on Smashwords for three years? I mean, the whole purpose of doing the Amazon Edition is because Smashwords hasn't uploaded the latest edition to Amazon's Kindle Store. Why? They haven't said. The only explanation given is on the distribution channel, which states that Smashwords is working on "technical integration" with the Kindle Store (I actually just checked the Smashwords' site again, and that message is no longer there, though the book still hasn't been "shipped" to Amazon). Again, not sure what that means, but Smashwords is nice enough to write it into the publication agreement that I am allowed to publish my work through other avenues (like Amazon).
Second, I'd have to find someone(s) and then pay them to do the covers for each "episode/issue/chunk/section." Because of the nature of the story, as it's about super heroes and such, I'd like the covers to look like comic covers (fun fact: I tried to make the cover to the current edition of PZ:B to look like the Marvel's Civil War comic covers). For the same reason I had to skip Chicago Comic-Con, I don't have a whole lot of disposable income. Or the time to sit down and collaborate with someone for what is planned to be ten separate covers (the '13-'14 school year starts in three weeks where I live...) My brother owes me a commissioned piece for donating to his Kickstarter project (to fund a special edition cover to his comic, Bombshell (I'll get links to where you can check it out as soon as he gets home from Comic-Con)) so...that's one cover, I supposed. If there are any book cover artists reading this, I can tell you this: I don't have money, what I do have is the ability to negotiate a lucrative royalty rate for your work...
I swear I had more to say, but you'll see why I lost my train of thought below. Next up, I go into what I've been doing with my free time this summer (including reviewing things) and how I plan to spend the remaining few weeks until school starts up again (which, I still need three college credits to renew my license...and need to figure out how to start my professional development portfolio...)
As an addendum to my last entry: This is also the first summer since 2004 that I haven't spent it working at the Office Depot (I quit there back in March after a new store manager started late last year and I finally just couldn't stand working for the guy any more) so...yay for that, at least.
New distraction of the night: one of my neighbors is like shooting or throwing something or something (sounds like it could be a staple or nail gun). Either way, constant and consistent loud noise interspersed with loud shouts and cheers. But, at least it's still nice enough out that I can sit out on the balcony and enjoy the weather.
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